
Why Do So Many Musicians Receive Liver Transplants
Why Do So Many Musicians Receive Liver Transplants
Why Do So Many Musicians Receive Liver Transplants
Lifestyle no doubt and more often than not, because of the hepatitis C virus. The "celebrity list is endless...David Crosby, Gregg Allman, the late Dallas Taylor, Larry Hagman, & Jim Nabors, although I believe in  Nabors case, he claimed that he cut himself shaving. Ye...
Global Warming?
Global Warming?
Global Warming?
I'm not sure. According to NOAA, July marked the hottest month on record here in the United States. Drought expanded to cover nearly 63% of the Lower 2 million acres. According to NOAA scientists, the average temperature during July was 77.6 degrees which was 3...
Music Trivia With A Montana Twist
Music Trivia With A Montana Twist
Music Trivia With A Montana Twist
This afternoon (Monday) on my "Puffman Musical Trivia", I'll be giving away a Montana author's book to the first caller with the correct answer to a "MONTANA" musical trivia question. I interviewed this author some months back (he's Jeff Noonan from St...
Deadly Little Secrets
Deadly Little Secrets
Deadly Little Secrets
I'll say! That's the name of the book I'm currently reading in the evenings. It's the latest pot boiler from my friend, award-winning journalist & author Kathryn Casey. I thoroughly enjoy Kathryn's writing, having read several of her true crime books and having recently finished "Shattered". Th...
Hot Property
No, I'm not talking about a hot piece of real estate that Brenda has on the block down at High Plains! It's a hardback novel by Michele, Samantha & Sabrina Kleier, the stars of HGTV's "Selling New York" and I'm giving this book away this afternoon (Monday) on my Puffman Musical Trivia at 4:35. Th...
The World’s 2nd Worst Broadcaster
That would be the white haired Anderson Cooper on CNN, according to the Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby. I'm not sure who the very worst is, but I guess we'll find out at 4:35 this afternoon (Thursday), when the Gab Man joins us from New York City on the Puffman Show...
Jungle Jack’s On His Way To The Big Sky
World-renowned animal expert Jack Hanna, better known as "Jungle Jack", is on his way to Great Falls to present his program Tuesday, August 14th at 7 o'clock at the Mansfield Center and the infamous Norma Ashby is joining me on the Puffman Show tomorrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 4:35 to share the details of Hanna's Great Falls visit...
The Hutterites Are Leaving
The Hutterites Are Leaving
The Hutterites Are Leaving
So long to the Hutterites! At least that zany and high spirited bunch from the King Colony down toward Lewistown. "American Colony: Meet the Huterites", the 10 episode series that debuted back in May, is presenting the last program from the series tomorrow (Tuesday) evening at 8 on the National Geographic Channel...
The Gabby Cabby Gives A Thumbs Down To Batman
The Gabby Cabby Gives A Thumbs Down To Batman
The Gabby Cabby Gives A Thumbs Down To Batman
Peter Franklin says "one wacko out of the more than 300 million people we have in the United States, goes and shoots up a movie theater and right afterwards, every talking head (I think he might mean the media) has an explanation as to why it happened"...
Cabby Says He’ll No Longer Pick Up Any College Grads
Cabby Says He’ll No Longer Pick Up Any College Grads
Cabby Says He’ll No Longer Pick Up Any College Grads
Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby, says, now that he's received his college degree, that he will no longer pick up ANY college graduates! What kind of sense does this make. Pete will be joining me this afternoon (Friday) on the Puffman Show around 4:30 for some more "stuff and nonsense" with Puff...
Is Barry Beach Innocent
Is Barry Beach Innocent
Is Barry Beach Innocent
Shane Bishop, National Producer for NBC Dateline is joining me this afternoon (Thursday) at 4:35 on the Puffman Show to fill us in on the special NBC Dateline broadcast scheduled for THIS Sunday evening at 6 on NBC-Helena. Besides being a National Producer and getting to work with the world famous Keith Morrison, Shane is a Conrad area native who's ended up in the "Big Time"...
A Trip To New York City
The Gab Man's will be on the Puffman Show this afternoon (Friday) at 4:35 direct from the streets of New York City. Nothing's really "right" in Pete's world. He still doesn't have an apartment and he's holed up in a cheap hotel in New York. The Gabby Cabby tells me that's he none too happy with Ben Baily of the "Cash Cab" program and that's it's basically a fake, a fraud and a

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