No War For Oil
I'm already getting ready for Puffman Sports Trivia tomorrow (Saturday) morning, & I've come up with a sports trivia question pertaining to a "Mystery" NFL quarterback for Saturday morning. The book that's up for grabs is, "No War for Oil; U.S. Dependency & The Middle East." Ivan Eland, a Senior Fellow & Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty at The Independent Institute, is the author of this riveting read. Oil has a bloody history. The ghost of petroleum hovers in the background even of wars that have liberty & democracy among their rationales. Mr. Eland's book, "No War for Oil" debunks the notion that oil is strategic .Eland emotes that war for oil is not necessary either to secure the flow of petroleum or to create security. Check it out from The Independent Institute at:, & then listen to WIN the book tomorrow morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia!