My friend, Peter Franklin, aka The Gabby Cabby," has a "True Tale" this week involving a lady New York City lady who's flunked the NY City Fire Department physical test SIX times! According to the driver of the yellow conveyance lounge, the "locals" are saying that "The Fix" is in, & she'll make it for sure when she gets her 7th chance. I'll be talking with Pete this afternoon (Friday) at 4:35, & you're invited to listen in. Check out Pete's True Tales at & then follow along on the radio. He also shares, what I think, is a beautiful story, about his NY City Police Department handing out gifts to kids in cars & in the street." & dig this, Pete thinks the way the cops are going about it is a terrible & FRIGHTING idea! This afternoon's Gab Fest seems to me to be a perfect way to start the New Year. See you later today with the Gabby Cabby on the Puffman Show. By the way, Gabby provides the most wanted tour in the Big Apple. If you plan on going to New York, go to Pete's web site & line up an official tour with the Crab Man...I mean the Gab Man. See you later.

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