MISSOULA – “Methods in Stream Ecology” is up for consideration for a prestigious PROSE Award, an annual accolade that recognizes the best in professional and scholarly publishing by the Association of American Publishers’ Professional and Scholarly Publishing Division.

Methods in Stream Ecology book cover

The two-volume book, co-edited by University of Montana Professor Ric Hauer and University of Notre Dame Professor Gary Lamberti, is the primary source for understanding and managing river and stream ecosystems.

“Streams and rivers are disproportionately important to human well-being as well as nature – from small aquatic organisms all the way up to grizzly bears and bald eagles,” Hauer said. “Yet, streams and rivers have also been disproportionately impacted and polluted by human activities.

“Our wise management of rivers, and restoration of those rivers that are damaged or impaired, depend on solid understanding,” Hauer said. “‘Methods in Stream Ecology’ provides researchers, agencies, students and private professionals the tools needed to understand, measure and manage stream and river ecosystems.”



UM Professor Ric Hauer in the field. (UM Photo)
UM Professor Ric Hauer in the field. (UM Photo)

Hauer, the senior editor and a contributing author, said the book is the most widely used stream ecology book worldwide and is a primary driver of high-level research at a variety of levels.

“This book transcends the classroom,” Hauer said. “It not only outlines basic principles and concepts, it also details the practice of stream ecology. This third edition is the culmination of Gary’s and my effort and care for over 25 years, beginning with the first edition published in 1996. To be up for this award is a tremendous honor.”

The winners of the PROSE Award will be recognized at the 2018 Awards during the PSP Annual conference in February.

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