Teton County Novel Coronavirus Update
On 7/9/2020, the Teton County Health Department received notice from Montana Department of Public Health & Human Services (DPHHS) that 2 Teton County residents have tested positive for novel Coronavirus (COVID-19), bringing the total number of laboratory-confirmed cases to 12. The source of infection for both of these individuals is related to close contact with other confirmed COVID-19 cases in the county. Contact tracing in taking place, and all close contacts will be notified promptly.
The Teton County Health Department reminds everyone that the following guidelines should still be observed:
Vulnerable individuals should continue to follow the stay at home guidance.
All individuals should socially distance (at least 6 feet apart) from non-household members.
All individuals should wear a cloth face covering in public spaces where social distancing is not possible.
All individuals should stay home if they are sick.
All individuals should continue to wash hands frequently with soap and water or use hand sanitizer.
Thank you Melissa Moyer and the Health Department for this update.
Chris Hindoien - Mayor
#maskupforchoteau #ChoteauStrong
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