Summary of Public Scoping Comments for Fisheries Management, Aquatics Restoration, and Climate Change Response Plan/Environmental Impact Statement
WEST GLACIER, MONT – Glacier National Park invites the public to review a summary of scoping comments received for a proposed Fisheries Management, Aquatics Restoration, and Climate Change Response Plan/draft Environmental Impact Statement. The summary has been posted to the National Park Service Planning, Environment, and Public Comment website at http://parkplanning.nps.gov/FishAquaticsPlanEIS.
The park conducted public scoping for the proposal from April 11 to May 11, 2016, and held scoping meetings in Great Falls and Kalispell, Montana. A scoping brochure describing the need for a plan, objectives, and proposed action was posted to the PEPC website and remains available at http://parkplanning.nps.gov/FishAquaticsPlanEIS.
The park received 16 comment letters expressing both supporting and opposing the proposal. In general, supportive comments expressed concern about long-term threats to aquatic ecosystems, and native fish. Opposing comments expressed concern primarily for negative effects to wilderness character and the use of a fish toxicant to remove non-native fish. A number of comments included suggestions and recommendations.
A draft plan/EIS is anticipated for public review by the end of 2017.