She’s The Dean Of Writers
She's Debra Dean, bestselling author of "The Madonnas of Leningrad" I'm not sure what this one's about, perhaps some Russian Madonna-type women! Ms. Dean has just released a breathtaking novel of love, madness & devotion set in 18th century Russia..."The Mirrored World". I'll be giving away a hardback copy of this excellent novel this Friday afternoon on my Puffman Musical Trivia segment. No Puffman trivia today (Wednesday), I'll be making room for our Predictor broadcast & tomorrow, Thursday, the gabby Cabby will be here in the 4 o'clock hour. "Publishers Weekly" says "readers will certainly forget themselves in these sparkling stories, pausing over small, strange moments that change entire lives". The Chicago Trib bugles "smart, gritty & real. Debra Dean's new collection is proof that the (short-story) form can capture gripping, neurotic or darkly funny slices of life in a way that illuminates the modern experience on a broader level". I'm the Puffman & I say, "looks like a good book with a neat cover & Debra Dean, in her picture in the back, looks like a nice lady". A literary critic I'm not. See you Friday on musical trivia & be the 1st caller with the correct answer to my musical trivia question & win yourself a copy of "The Mirrored World". It's from HarperCollins Publishers. Check out the 2 videos of Debra talking about "The Mirrored World" on youtube.