Show Your Support, Montana Guardsmen Deploy This Weekend
If you want the opportunity to express your gratitude to our troops and their families before they deploy overseas in service to our country, now is your chance. Deployment ceremonies will be taking place this Saturday in both Butte and in Billings for soldiers from all across Montana.
According to the Montana National Guard, soldiers with the 190th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion (CSSB) and soldiers with the 1889th Regional Support Group (RSG) are heading to Fort Cavazos, Texas, to complete their final train-up prior to deployment to Southwest Asia.
The 1889th RSG "will be providing base operations and administration in support of operations in Southwest Asia for approximately one year." The 190th CSSB "will be providing operational-level sustainment in support of operations in Southwest Asia for approximately one year."
Deployment ceremonies will be taking place in both Butte and Billings this Saturday. The ceremonies are open to the public if you would like to go down and show your support for our troops and their families.
Billings Deployment Ceremony:
Soldiers of the 190th Combat Sustainment Support Battalion are scheduled to hold a departure ceremony at 1 p.m. on Saturday, August 5, at the Billings Armed Forces Reserve Center, 2915 Gabel Rd in Billings. The ceremony is open to the public.
Butte Deployment Ceremony:
Soldiers of the 1889th Regional Support Group are scheduled to hold a departure ceremony at 9 a.m. on Sunday, August 6, at the Maroon Activity Center, 550 E. Mercury St. in Butte. The ceremony is open to the public.