Aaron Flint, the host of Montana's leading statewide radio talk show "Montana Talks," began his journey in Montana politics and broadcasting while working in the US Senate as a student at Howard University over 20 years ago. Following the 9-11 terror attacks, Aaron relocated to Montana and enlisted in the military, embarking on deployments to Iraq, Afghanistan, the Horn of Africa, and the Arabian Peninsula. Currently, he continues to serve as a Lt. Colonel in the US Army Reserve. His initial foray into the news industry consisted of stuffing newspapers for his grandparents at the Glasgow Courier when he was a child. From working in television at Q2 News to his involvement in politics, and now hosting a statewide radio talk show for over a decade, Aaron takes pride in ensuring that Montanans have a platform to voice their opinions. His prior political roles include serving as a legislative aide to Senator Conrad Burns, acting as the communications director for the 2016 campaign of now-governor Greg Gianforte, and serving as the state director for Congressman Ryan Zinke.
Aaron Flint
A Montana Gold Star Mom’s Memorial Day Message
We got a call from Melissa Sandvick. Her son, US Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jeremy Sandvick Monroe, was killed in Iraq in 2006.
Tester’s Godson Says He’s Changed, Not Same Man as 25 Years Ago
Jon Tester has changed. He's not the same man that he was 25 years ago. He hasn't seen his own godson in 6 or 7 years.
Very Interesting: Saskatchewan Ag Minister Spoke in Montana
We got to hear Dave Marit, the ag minister for the Canadian Province of Saskatchewan, speak in Scobey, Montana on Friday night. Very interesting comments about the carbon tax, prairie dogs, ag statistics, and more.
Beast Mode: Montana Kid Playing Rugby for the Naval Academy
The photo above from "The Buzz" in Glasgow says it all- BEAST MODE. How else would you describe Glasgow, Montana's Dalton Sand who is now playing rugby for the US Naval Academy?
This is Montana: Slower Traffic Keep Right…Oh Yeah- And Bears
A couple reminders as we enter peak tourist season: slower traffic keep right...oh yeah- and bears. By the way, The Big Sky Business Journal's Evelyn Pyburn tells us that we are expecting a record tourism year.
Can Montanans Pronounce These Ten Minnesota Town Names?
We were at dinner with some of our Scandinavian Montanan friends on Saturday night- which isn't that hard to do given the fact that there are so many Scandinavian Montanans with Minnesota ties.
Denny Rehberg Eyeing Another Run for Congress in Montana
Former Montana Congressman and former Lieutenant Governor Denny Rehberg (R-MT) is considering another run for Congress. Here's what Denny just told us.
Babylon Bee CEO Coming to Montana Very Soon
This is pretty exciting news- Seth Dillon, the CEO of the incredibly popular Babylon Bee website, is coming to Billings, Montana in February. Here's our chat.
Natives Push to Get the Washington Redskins Name Back
Native Americans and a North Dakota-based group called the "Native American Guardians Association (NAGA)" are hoping to bring the Washington Redskins name back to the NFL, but they're being blocked by an outfit funded by the white liberal George Soros.
Update on Exciting Helium Development Near Shelby, Montana
This past May I was in Shelby, Montana ahead of the big centennial celebration of the Dempsey-Gibbons match. That's when I told you about the helium deposits near Shelby and "the new gold rush" garnering excitement in North Central Montana.
“Maverick” Makes a Montana Kid’s Day After the Air Show
One young man ran into Ice Man, but he somehow missed running into Maverick- played by Jerome LeBlanc. Thanks to one of the air show organizers, our friend Jake Penwell, young Kellan was able to get a special message from Maverick.
VIDEO: Montana Talks Host Flight w/ The Blue Angels Over Billings
For those who saw my story on Wednesday night, I told you about my "unbelievably incredible" flight with the US Navy's Blue Angels and the #7 pilot Lcdr Thomas Zimmerman earlier that day. The video finally uploaded.