Natives Push to Get the Washington Redskins Name Back
Native Americans and a North Dakota-based group called the "Native American Guardians Association (NAGA)" are hoping to bring the Washington Redskins name back to the NFL, but they're being blocked by an outfit funded by the white liberal George Soros.
Here's the story from KFGO Radio in North Dakota:
A North Dakota-based nonprofit organization has filed suit against the NFL’s Washington Commanders football team, its new owner, and a prominent Native American advocacy group in federal court, claiming the team’s refusal to change its nickname back to the Redskins is an attempt to eradicate Native American history.
As Fox News reported recently, the effort to change the name back to the Washington Redskins is being blocked because of a group that is funded by George Soros. How ironic is that? Actual Native Americans want the Redskins name restored, but some white liberal thinks he knows what is best for Native Americans.
Fox News added this about the group that is opposing the Redskins name:
The NCAI is funded by George Soros' Open Society Foundations as well as other left-leaning groups. It is also funded through American taxpayer dollars from an array of federal departments, according to claims by the group itself.
For those who aren't familiar, the Washington Redskins logo actually has some important connections with the Blackfeet Nation here in Montana.
"Walter 'Blackie' Wetzel and the Blackfeet Nation will forever be a part of the Redskins family." Those were the words announced by the announcer at a previous Washington Redskins game, as fans cheered Walter's son Lance and his grandson Ryan on the field. The Redskins logo was created in honor of a Blackfeet Nation tribal chief from Montana.
Lance Wetzel is the son of former Blackfeet Tribal Chair Walter "Blackie" Wetzel, who was instrumental in designing the Washington Redskins logo in honor of Chief Whitecalf. He joined us on the radio back in 2020 to talk more about this history. Click here for our prior coverage.