Have U Ever Wondered?
Have you ever wondered if the science portrayed in your favorite science fiction movies & books could actually exist? Me? I often wonder hows come Brian-The-Dog on" Family Guy" sometimes walks on all 4's & barks while at other times can stand on his hind 2 feet & carry on an intelligent "human" conversation. All that aside, tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia, I'll be giving away the book, "Blueprint For A Battlestar: Serious Scientific Explanations Behind SCI-FI'S Greatest Inventions." The book's author, Rod Pyle, science writer & Jet Propulsion Laboratory insider, takes us through 25 inventions inspired by science-fiction & provides the science behind how they would work if we produced them today. It's all in here...cyborgs, jet packs, faster-than-light travel, artificial intelligence, ray guns & rocket rifles, invisibility, immortality & so much more! The 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question WINS the book & I've come up with another good one this week! It pertains to my 2nd favorite sport right behind professional wrestling! It's an honest to goodness NASCAR Truck Series driver sports stumper! Check the book out from Sterling Publishing Co., Inc. at: www.sterlingpublishing.com, & then get ready to start your engines. See you Saturday morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia for a chance to WIN "Blueprint For A Battlestar" by Rod Pyle. Speaking of outer space...I just watched a recent episode where the entire Griffin Family blasted off into outer space, Brian included!