Expect The Extraordinary
ESPECIALLY Saturday mornings when I'm in charge of the 7:30 sports broadcast on our radiator stations! Tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia, the book, "Expect the Extraordinary: Angelic Messages, Spiritual Encounters and the Soul of the Skye," by Sue Pighini is up for grabs. Sue's an author, speaker & Creativity Life Coach. That said, apparently the woman can't spell the word "sky" correctly as SHE spells it "Skye" in the title. That's okay, perhaps she's a Canadian. The book looks truly riveting though. In "Expect the Extraordinary," Sue helps us answer the enormously important question: "WHO answers our call when we are faced with a life-threatening situation?" As a young, over-stressed mother of 2 very young children, Sue thought it was curtains when she was struck by lighting in an Arizona rainstorm. MIRACULOUSLY, she was saved the voice of an angel who told her exactly what to do to keep the lightning from reaching her heat. I'd best keep this in mind when I'm standing close to our 4 KSEN Radio transmitter towers. Check out the book at: www.SuePighina.com, & then listen to WIN Saturday morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. I've put together another GREAT NFL sports trivia question for tomorrow morning's Sports Stuff with Puff.