Donkey Basketball Comes 2 Shelby HS
There'll be plenty of "Hee-Haws" in our Golden Triangle come NEXT Saturday night, April 13th, when Donkey Basketball returns to Shelby! Participating teams in this year's
Donkeyball" include our Shelby FFA & Shelby wrestling teams taking on the Shelby Fire Department & Shelby Basketball, & they'll hit the floor at 6 o'clock SHARP! But wait...there's MORE! The wrestlers vs. basketball players will scrimmage right after Donkeyball. Adult advance tickets are $8, students $6, & child $4. It'll be a good idea to grab your advance tickets from any FFA member and/pr at the Shelby High School office. If you wait to buy them at the door, they'll be a "BUCK" more. Saturday night, April 13th, promises to be an evening of real live donkeys & real live FUN over at Shelby High School.