The Teton County 4-H delegation to 4-H Congress celebrated the 100 year anniversary of Montana 4-H July 10-13 on the MSU Bozeman campus.  Teton County took delegates in four contest areas:  livestock evaluation, quilting, fashion revue and demonstration.  When awards were given on Thursday night, Teton County participants placed first in every event entered. 

 Skyler Anderson, Chottie Crary, Luke Murnane and Jayelyn Ruckman competed as a team in livestock evaluation . The team placed first in the state (photo above).  Jayelyn Ruckman placed second overall for individual scores in livestock evaluation out of a field of 65 participants.  Chottie Crary place sixteenth and Cody Ulsh, who served as an alternate to the livestock evaluation team, placed twenty-first.  The team has qualified to compete at the Western National Roundup in Denver January 9-13, 2013.  Ulsh, who was a team alternate this year, competed at the Roundup in 2012 and is therefore ineligible to attend.

 Ali Willekes and Anne Rice both represented Teton County in the quilt contest.  Participants construct a quilt and are judged on design, color, sewing/quilting quality and presentation to the judges.  Ali Willekes placed first in the quilt contest.  It was Willekes’ first trip to Congress and her first place win gives her the opportunity to represent Montana at National 4-H Congress in Atlanta, Georgia in November.


Katie Townsend competed in the fashion revue contest.  Models are judged on their sewing ability, poise, leadership, contributions to others and more.  Fashion revue participants model on stage after the banquet Thursday night in front of 450 other 4-H Congress delegates.  Townsend was selected as the first place contestant, receiving a perfect score, and is eligible to represent Montana at National 4-H  Congress in Atlanta.

 Abigail Konen participated in the 4-H demonstration category.  She presented, “Second Hand Paper” on making recycled paper in the morning competition and was called back for finals along with seven other contestants.  Konen placed first out of a slate of 40 demonstrators at State 4-H Congress.  She, as well, earns the opportunity to represent Montana at National 4-H Congress.


 Extension Agent, Jane Wolery, noted, “Teton County 4-H members have been very successful over the years at State 4-H Congress, but in the time I’ve been here, I cannot recall having so many first place winners. It was thrilling to see the 4-H members succeed.”  Out of a delegation of nine members, seven were on stage receiving first-place medals and only four members had attended Congress previously.

 Also on-stage during Thursday’s ceremonies were Lena Heuscher, Teton County 4-H Alum, and Karoline Rose, current MSU Teton County Extension Intern, receiving scholarships for their studies at MSU-Bozeman. 

 In addition to competitions, 4-H members attending Congress, take part in a variety of educational events, activities and workshops.  4-H members attending the 82nd annual 4-H Congress were able to participate in the premiere of the Montana 4-H documentary developed by MT PBS.  The program followed six 4-H families from throughout the state for a year of 4-H education and adventures.  Jordan Stoltz, Pondera County 4-H member, was among the 4-H members followed. 

 Upcoming MontanaPBS air dates
Thursday 8/2 at 7:00pm
Thursday 10/11 at 7:00pm

 A few Teton County 4-H members are featured in the film as well.  The documentary really captures the essence of the Montana 4-H program.

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