In the upcoming movie ‘Neighborhood Watch,’ Ben Stiller, Vince Vaughn, Jonah Hill play inept badge-less crime fighters who patrol the streets of their posh suburban town. Then things get interesting when the neighborhood gets invaded by aliens of the extraterrestrial kind.

The movie, which is scheduled for July 27th release, is being directed by The Lonely Island’s Akiva Schaffer, and the story is from the screenwriting team of Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg. Madcap fun, right? 

It probably should be. But the Trayvon Martin tragedy, in which a 17-year old was shot dead by a neighborhood watch captain, is casting a pall over the film.

Fox, the film’s distributor, has already pulled a promotional poster for the movie which depicts a street sign riddled with bullets from Florida, where the Martin incident took place. They are also no longer playing the trailer for the film in movie theaters in that state.

However, there are no plans to change ‘Neighborhood Watch’s’ release date.

“We are very sensitive to the Trayvon Martin case, but our film is a broad alien-invasion comedy and bears absolutely no relation to the tragic events in Florida,” a Fox spokesman told The Hollywood Reporter.

You can watch the trailer below. Do you think Fox should delay the release of the film due to what has become a very unfortunate title? Or are they correct in saying that one really doesn’t have anything to do with the other?

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