Up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia, I have a new "golf" orientated book, "The Flem Cup; A Story of Friendship, Love and Redemption" penned by outstanding author, Scott Dow. It starts out with a 2001 beer-fueled skirmish late 1 night in England that transformed an ordinary golf trip into an extraordinary best of 5 match between teams from England & the U.S. modeled after the Ryder Cup. Best friends Scott Dow & Ian Jennings led the teams & the tournament-called the Flem Cup! 1st time I saw the title, I assumed it was a medical book pertaining to sore throats because I know that sometimes a person gets "flem" in their throat. I think also that the guy who wrote all the James Bond books had a similar name, more or less. Glad I investigated the book a little further...it's a GREAT read! I've come up with a cool sports trivia question on a sort-of-famous pitcher. 1st  caller in tomorrow morning at 7"30 on Puffman Sports Trivia WINS the book! Check out the Flem Cup; A Story of Friendship, Love and Redemption" by Scott Dow. It's available on Amazon.

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