Crazy weather we're having this winter. Snow totals not seen around here for decades.  Warm temperatures (relatively speaking) one day, bitter cold the next. Just when we think we're leaning toward Spring at last, here comes another blast of Winter. What's going on, we wonder.

Well, the moon may (or may not) be to blame...the supermoon, that is. A "supermoon" is a term for the full moon that occurs while the moon's orbit is at it's closest point to earth. Here's an interesting blog about it from Mark Paquette at .

Just for fun, I went back through my weather records for 2005, the last time we had a supermoon, and in June that year, we had rain 21 out of the 30 days in June, a total of 7.36" for the month, considerably more than we had in June of 2004 or 2006.  I compared last month to February of 2010...average high and low temps were 9 degrees colder this year than last year. More snow this February compared to last, too. I'd have to do a lot more research before I'm convinced there's a diabolical cause and effect here, but the notion is intriguing, yes?

There ought to at least be a great sci-fi movie in it.

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