You’ll Kick The Slats Out Of Your Cradle!
The WINNER of tomorrow (Saturday) morning's Puffman Sports Trivia will be laughing until the cows come home! I'll be giving away the National Geographic Kids book, "Just Joking JUMBO!" There's something like 1,000 GIANT jokes AND 1,000 funny photos in this little gem. They all add up to big laughs & will make you kick the slats out of your cradle! The 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question at 7:30 WINS the book. I'd blog even more about the book along with Saturday morning's sports trivia question on the infamous Cincinnati Reds, but I'm looking through the book right now & LOL so hard that I am unable to finish my Puffman Blog. See you at 7:30 Saturday morning for Puffman Sports Trivia...it'll be a thousand laughs & a regular laugh riot for sure!