BOZEMAN — Montana State University and Harrington Pepsi have announced the release of a new beverage designed for Bobcat students, alumni and fans.


Gold Rush Huckleberry Lemonade launches today in tandem with the MSU Gold Rush football game.

The lemonade is now available on soda fountains across the MSU campus and in Bobcat Stadium. It is also bottled and available in retail stores, including Town Pump and ThriftWay.

“Our longtime partnership with Montana State keeps getting better,” said Jim Bennett, vice president of Harrington Pepsi. “This new beverage combines two great Montana traditions — the Bobcat Gold Rush game and wild huckleberries. We’re thrilled that we’ve achieved our goal to create a unique beverage that keeps the Gold Rush spirit alive all year long.”

Last spring, MSU students taste-tested several flavor options. The top two flavors were sampled on fountain machines in the university’s dining halls to see which proved more popular. More diners chose huckleberry lemonade with their meals.

“Thanks to Harrington Pepsi, we were able to customize a flavor for our fan base,” said Julie Kipfer, MSU director of marketing. “We couldn’t have done this without our students, who selected the flavor. Now students, alumni and fans can experience the Gold Rush every day.”

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