WHEW! I Was Seeing Red Yesterday
Our good friends down at Shelby's Smile Shop, I call them the 2 Lena's...they're having Red Shirt Fridays every Friday. I did see a lot of "red" yesterday while at the Smile Shop yesterday, & no wonder, with Red Shirt Friday & all. R.E.D. stands for "Remember Everyone Deployed," & if you wear red into the Smile Shop on Fridays, they'll give you 10% off on your purchase, all your purchases, sewing, ironing & that other stuff they do with cloth, beads, needle & thread & even irons. Don't worry about a thing, but customers with RED hot tempers are not eligible. because... it's Shelby's "SMILE" Shop!! On a more serious note, please do "Remember Everyone Deployed, not just on Red Shirt Fridays, but everyday,& Don Tronson, thank YOU from all of us for YOUR service.