Before John Clifton's wife got Stage 4 lung cancer back in 2012, he had never heard of paw paw. When her oncologist said that they best that could be done for her was "palliative" chemotherapy, that was started, but meanwhile Clifton began to research alternative treatments. What he found was an endless array of products, supplements, diets, & programs-all of which came with various promises & claims. The ONE outstanding item, the one that looked most promising & effective, was paw paw. This is a tree that that grows in the eastern United States. Extracts from the tree had been studied & tested for 30 years. "They" say that paw paw KILLS cancer cells. Long story short...Clifton claims that it turned out to be so effective that he decided to write a book about it. Check out Clifton's book, "Your Fourth Choice; Killing Cancer Cells with PAW PAW-that Little-Known Treatment that Grows on Trees" from Foley Square Books at: & form your own opinion. Clifton's book explains how the compounds in paw paw kill cancer cells, how paw paw kills Multimple Drug Resistant (MDR) cells that Chemotherapy has no effect on, case histories of actual patients, the surprisingly poor survival statistics of chemotherapy, where to get paw paw, which kind to purchase, dosage information, & recommendations, & answers to common questions, Scientific studies, Veterinary use. I intend to read the book & form my OWN opinion. Decide for yourself...knowledge is power..

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