Waking The Dead In Great Falls
"Wake me before you go-go, Norma., Montana broadcast icon, Norma Ashby (Norma Ashby Smith these days) will be joining me tomorrow, Wednesday afternoon, at 2:30, on the Puff Man Show to fill us in on NEXT Sunday's(6/26) Waking the Dead event out at Highland Cemetery, at 1 o'clock, & again at 3. By the way, the month of June, marks the 80th anniversary of the death of old Shep, the forever faithful dog in Fort Benton, Shep, 2 of the storytellers at this year's Waking the Dead event, historian Ken Robison, & Bill Zins, the great nephew of Ed Shields, conductor of the GN train who made Shep famous, will be doing a presentation during Waking the Dead. They'll also be doing a special Tribute to Shep on Thursday evening, the 30th, at 7, at the Great Falls Public Library. It's always my pleasure to catch up with Norma, I don't care how many last names she has...