UM to Host Summer Speech, Language and Hearing Camps for Kids
MISSOULA – The University of Montana DeWit RiteCare Speech, Language and Hearing clinic will hold several camps for kids this summer.
Camp CHRONICLE (Creating High-Quality Renderings & Original Narratives in Comics in a Language-rich Environment) is a two-week camp designed for children completing grade 4 or 5 who struggle with reading, spelling or writing, but enjoy creating stories and drawing. The purpose of CHRONICLE is to boost literacy skills while creating comic books in a fun environment.
The cost is $400 for two weeks, but some scholarships based on financial need may be available. The camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday, June 18-29. Snacks are provided, but children must bring a lunch. For more information call Ginger Collins, assistant professor in the UM Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders, at 406-243-2626 or email ginger.collins@umontana.edu. Camp registration is online at https://ritecareclinic.submittable.com/submit.
YETI (Youth Engagement Through Intervention) Camp is for children who have social skill challenges related to autism or other disorders. YETI provides social skills intervention in a fun and safe environment with a 1-to-1 ratio of adults to children. Typically developing peers attend, and this intensive intervention uses evidence-based practices.
There are two YETI camps:
- YETI Camp I: This camp welcomes 10 children and targets social skills through speech/language therapy and behavioral support. A middle school break-out group will occur each day. The camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 11-15. Campers should bring a lunch.
- YETI Camp II: This camp welcomes five elementary age children and targets social skills through speech/language therapy. The camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 25-29. Campers should bring a lunch.
A prescription is required. The cost for one week of camp is $325 or insurance may be billed. Those interested should call the clinic at 406-243-2405 for a registration packet. For children who are a candidate for the camp, a non-refundable/transferable $25 free for one camp and $45 for both camps is required to hold the spot. Participants must have consistent attendance. Children who do not receive a spot are welcome to apply for the after-school programs hosted every fall and spring.
The UM DeWit RiteCare also will run an autism diagnostics clinic on June 18-19.
SkillBridge is an intensive speech therapy program from July 9-24 for people of all ages who require support over the summer break. Participants come for an hour and a half each day for 12 days and receive 18 hours of intervention in a fun and safe environment. To secure a spot in the program, call 406-243-2405. A $20 non-refundable/transferable fee is required to hold a spot. Participants will be required to obtain a prescription from their medical provider in order to bill insurance.
For more information call Jennifer Schoffer Closson, director of clinical education in the UM Communicative Sciences and Disorders department, at 406-243-2405 or email jennifer.schofferclosson@umontana.edu.