Tournament Games on K96
The 9 and 10C Basketball tournaments will be covered on KZIN FM 96.7 and online at k96fm.com. Beginning on Wednesday at 9am with the Valier -v- Power Boys game, followed by Dutton/Brady -v- Augusta Boys game at Noon, the Heart Butte -v- Dutton/Brady Girls at 4pm, then the Valier -v- North Toole County Girls at 5:30, the Heart Butte -v- GFCC/MSDB Boys at 7pm, finally, the North Toole County Boys -v- Winner of D/B Augusta game. On Thursday, we'll be mixing in the 9C games as well. In case you don't have the bracket you're looking for - we've got them for you here:
If your interest is in the B tournament - please visit our sister station at ksenam.com