Thrills Twists & Turns
They're all going to be happening tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. I'll have the political thriller, "Erase," by Tom DeWeese up for grabs in the morning. Jay Lehr, Ph.D. from The Heartland Institute says "Erase" may be the MOST important political novel since 1984, Atlas shrugged, Brave New World & State of Fear! In "Erase," a political activist is mysteriously murdered & a major publisher faces ruin as a POWERFUL, yet unknown force threatens his industry. A TV preacher discovers a movement inside his own religion to remove God, & a high school teacher is told he can no longer teach facts in his classroom. Sound familiar?? Check out "Erase" at:, & then come along & play Puffman Sports Trivia Saturday morning at 7:30. The FIRST caller in with the correct answer to my PGA sports trivia question WINS the "Erase," a page turner AND a page BURNER!