They’ll B “Taking Stock”
The Healthy Toole County Coalition will be conducting a Community Health Assessment NEXT Thursday, Friday & Saturday, November 8th, 9th & 10th. They'll be collecting information from households to better understand our communities perceptions of health & wellness in our communities, as well as the availability of health related services. To collect this date, there'll be volunteers in brightly colored vests going door to door with surveys in predetermined areas of Shelby, Sunburst, Kevin, Oilmont, Sweetgrass & other rural areas. They're looking for volunteers to help with the collection of this data. Volunteers will be trained, will work in pairs,& volunteers for a half or whole day. This "task" should prove relatively easy, mostly moving between houses. IF your house is selected to participate, please answer the survey questions HONESTLY! You're encouraged to contact our Toole County Health Department at 424 5169 to volunteers and/or ask questions about the Community Health Assessment process. Good health starts at home.