Excellent reports on fishing activity this week in North Central Montana and I'll have all the details this afternoon (Thursday) at 5:30 and throughout the weekend on our Old Fishing Hole. Don Groven will be joining me from Fresno and he says both last weekend and especially yesterday, on the 4th, fishing at Fresno was the best ever! Dallas Denter-At-The-Cleaners/Red Wing Shoes-boots and the Cleaners told me about some anglers that caught something like "a hundred fish" in Tiber. Dallas just got himself a new boat and this week's Old Fishing Hole is the most excited I've ever seen him. Meanwhile, Beep Grant over in Browning says the fishing there is "way better than in the east" and reports considerable activity on all the lakes including Duck and Doggone. The boisterous Beep says that the fish on the reservation "taste way better" than Dallas's or Don's fish! I'll also be talking with Bob Kovatch at Lake Francis/Valier, if for no other reason, than to hear one of his funny fishing jokes. See you this afternoon and over this weekend on the Old Fishing Hole. Our sponsors include Northern Ford in Cut Bank, Glacier Family Foods and Eagle Beverage. I hope if you didn't make it out over the weekend or on the 4th, that you'll have a chance to get out on some of our nearby streams and lakes this weekend. As I like to say (I"m the Puffman), "wiggle it, jiggle it, and snag them".

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