The Missing Piece
I've come across a HOT new book from Marie Knoetig! Marie's authored "The Body Within: Who Are You Really?" Marie Knoetiz is a Healing Arts Practitioner who has always had a real love for exercise & healthy living. This is truly the missing piece to healthy and aging gracefully, & it certainly resonates with "me." I've been trying to slide down the ol' slippery slope of life as slowly as possibly these past few years, & Marie's read has been one eye opening experience for me. With total body healing in mind, Marie shares her journey, how SHE perceives healing & numerous ways in which the reader can apply all this to their own self. Marie's had the privilege to work with many clients throughout the years, ALL using a different variety of healing modalities to try to regain whole health & maintain wellness. Sure, medicines, supplements, detoxes & exercise programs all help but somehow, never result in TOTAL healing. I strongly suggest you help YOURSELF & find out Marie's "secret" in this downright insightful read that adds to the growing awareness & validity of self-healing practices. "The Body Within" is DEFINITELY deserving of a place on your bookshelf in the comfort of your own home. Check out Marie's website(s) at: & & get ready to be TOTALLY healthy! Fasten your seatbelts!!