The Best Meal I Had Ever Eaten
That's how Evelyn D. Aiken describes a "hot beef sandwich" in her lively & rivetting tome, "Older Than The Hills," & that's the book we'll continue reading this evening (Tuesday) up at the Marias Heritage Center here in Shelby. I'll be there as close to 6 o'clock that I can get tonight to read MORE Montana History at the Heritage. Evelyn's from the Sweetgrass Hills & "How SWEET it is!" We're already on page 74...we hit the "hot beef sandwich" last week on page 64! No telling where we're going or where we're going to end up, but strap yourselves in & fasten your seat belts as we listen & learn about Evelyn's life from the time she was born up in "The Hills" until...WHO knows what's going to happen next in "Older Than The Hills." Looking forward to reading & sharing more Montana History tonight at 6 o'clock, give or take a minute or 2, when I show up at the Heritage. I think it would be really cool if ol' Judy Richman up there would put "hot beef sandwiches" on the platter some night for suppertime at the Heritage. Always thinking, always thinking. I'm the Puffman.