I'll be shouting out a sports trivia question tomorrow morning, Saturday, at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia about the 1st major league baseball game that was actually TELEVISED!! Whoa! This wasway back in 1939! The 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question tomorrow morning WINS the book, "Waiting for an Army to Die: The Tragedy of Agent Orange" penned by Fred A. Wilcox . Wilcox has been researching, writing about, & teaching courses on the Vietnam War for the past 30 years. The San Francisco Chronicle says "Waiting for an Army to Die" is "An eloquent & convincing appeal for common sense"! 60's activist Tom Hayden calls this read his "Bible on the issue of Agent Orange". Check out the book at www.sevenstories.com & then listen to WIN tomorrow morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia!

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