Some Of R Classmates R MISSING!
The next planning meeting for the Great Falls High School Class of 1964-55th Reunion (next summer) is coming up next Monday evening, September 10th, down in Great Falls. The Class of '64 needs HELP in finding our "missing": classmates. No problem with me...they KNOW where I am...sitting here in the "Air Chair" with my teeth in my mouth doing the afternoon program here at the Shelby Radiator Station. I like it here, "my barber even tells me jokes," to quote an old Roger Miller tune! If any '64 class members have information on our missing friends, please send it to:judydeck@bresnan.net, OR call Judy at 453 0856. The current "Missing List" is up on the GFHS Class of 1964 website at: www.gfhsmt1964.com too.Hope you can make the meeting next Monday evening... at the Taco Treat Amigo Lounge on the main floor in the rear area at1200 7th Street South in Great Falls.
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