Saturday Morn Trivia Will B WIGGED Out!
That's because on Puffman Sports Trivia tomorrow (Saturday) morning, I'll have #1 New York Times Bestselling Author Susan WIGGS new hardback novel up for grabs! Her book is, "Map of the Heart," It's all & family, war & secrets, betrayal & redemption. Susan Wiggs comes STRAIGHT at you with a deeply emotional & atmospheric story that spans oceans & decades. Brilliantly written & infused with Wiggs' trademark style, this hugely popular author has created her biggest, most powerful story yet in "Map of the Heart." The first caller in with the correct answer to my Puffman Sports Trivia question WINS the book! Check out this book from William Morrow, An Imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, & then listen to WIN at 7:30 tomorrow (Saturday) morning on Puffman Sports Trivia. Being the golf pro that I am, I've managed to come up with an OUTSTANDING trivia challenge from the Masters for tomorrow morning. See you at 7:30...