My home state of Montana has an estimated 154 homeless families on a single night! What more is that providers are serving 20% more than their bed capacity over the course of a year. I think many of us with jobs, roofs over our heads, and never truly knowing or experiencing hunger pangs are so very far removed and isolated from these folks right here in our own back yard.

This Thursday afternoon at 4:30, I'll be talking to Ralph da Costa Nunez who is the president of the Institute for Children and Poverty. Last year Montana identified 441 persons in homeless families staying in shelters or on the street and an additional 619 primarily living doubled up yet there were only 630 family shelter beds.

I am sure that my interview Thursday afternoon will be a "wake up call" for me as well as my listeners. Please tune in at 4:30 with me this Thursday on KSEN AM 1150.

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