HELENA – The Office of Public Instruction is now accepting nominations for Montana's 2023 Teacher of the Year. The Teacher of the Year award recognizes educators who elevate student success by empowering classroom innovation and enhancing pathways to teacher leadership.

Anyone can fill out the simple nomination form before Friday, May 13. All nominated teachers will be contacted and asked to fill out an application.

“As a former teacher, I understand the dedication that teachers give to our students, families, and communities,” said Superintendent Elsie Arntzen. “Our great Montana teachers deserve recognition every day for strengthening the connection with students and learning. I am asking all communities to support their teacher champions.”

The Teacher of the Year timeline is:

  • June 24, 2022 - Applications due to MTTOY@mt.gov
  • July-August 2022 Applications reviewed by committees
  • Mid-September 2022 - Finalists selected by the state committee
  • Mid-September 2022 - Finalists interviewed by the state committee, MT TOY selected
  • October 2022 - National Teacher of the Year Application Due to CCSSO
  • February 2023 - MT TOY begins duties and NTOY activities

Montana’s program is part of the National Teacher of the Year Program conducted by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO), of which Montana’s Superintendent of Public Instruction is a member. The 2023 Montana Teacher of the Year will go on to represent Montana in the national program next year.

Bill Stockton from Arlee Public Schools is the current 2022 Montana Teacher of the Year. To watch Bill Stockton speak about the importance of being a teacher, please click here.

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