It says that right here in the book & the book is, "The ABC's of Yoga for Kids," & this colorful, informative presentation is up for grabs tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Triva! "The ABC's of Yoga for Kids" was written by Teresa Anne Power & beautifully illustrated by Kathleen Rietz. No doubt about it, yoga offers numerous benefits to mind, body, & soul & it's neat to start kids at a young age. The best way to do that is to make it FUN &, in my opinion, this book has a real franchise on FUN! I've even put together a  sports trivia question pertaining to the meanest sport in the world, HOCKEY! NHL Hockey!! Be the first person in Saturday morning with the correct answer to my Puffman Sports Trivia question at 7:30 & WIN the yoga book. I always dress casual on Saturday mornings & will no doubt be wearing my yoga pants as I give away the yoga book on Puffman Sports Trivia!

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