By Kari Lewis, MSU Extension Glacier Co. Agent

Coalter Littrell (Photo: Kari Lewis, Glacier Co Agent)
Coalter Littrell (Photo: Kari Lewis, Glacier Co Agent)

We have some outstanding folks in Glacier county we’ve recognized this past week on the 4-H and Master Gardener side.  Congratulations to Coalter Littrell on being named the Outstanding 4-Her and to Jay and Barbara Aspevig on being selected the 2018 Outstanding Volunteers, along with Chuck Smith as a Level 3 Master Gardener.

Coalter has been an 8 year 4-H member who is active in Market Beef, Beef Breeding, Leadership, and Welding projects. This past year he worked with a fellow 4-Her to organize a raffle to benefit a fellow 4-H member and friend, Clark Diemert, he helped organize a dance at the fair to benefit the Food Booth committee, he served as a 4-H camp counselor, and he led a beef showmanship workshop for 30 4-Hers at the Horse and Livestock camp. Within his club, he served as treasurer and a teen leader. He was awarded a NILE Merit Heifer and showed her regionally at numerous shows, had top educational displays at the fair, and was the Champion Cow/Calf Pair project for the Marias River Livestock Association. Outside of 4-H, he's active in football, basketball, golf, student government, welding, and work. His nomination ended with, "Coalter is an all-around nice kid, very friendly, always the first one to ask if you need help and lend a hand. He is just a genuinely, nice kid." Congratulations, Coalter!

Jay and Barb Aspevig have been a staple in Glacier County 4-H for decades. Barbara Aspevig has been a 26-year Glacier County leader, and Jay has been a leader for 22 years. Jay served on the Glacier County 4-H Council for years, leading the group as president for numerous years. Jay and Barb have been very active on the Marias Fair Horse committee helping with fundraising, lining up judges, and various projects. They have been active leaders with the Curry Comb 4-H Club and have a heart for 4-Hers. Thank you, Jay and Barb, for your service!

Chuck Smith, Level 3 Master Gardener (Photo: Kari Lewis, Glacier Co Agent)
Chuck Smith, Level 3 Master Gardener (Photo: Kari Lewis, Glacier Co Agent)

Congratulations to Chuck Smith on earning his Level 3 Montana Master Gardener certification, the highest level! Chuck earned this through completing Level 1, 2, and 3 courses. Levels 1 and 2 were 16 hours of coursework while Level 3 included three intensive days in Bozeman at Montana State University. In addition, he has completed over 120 volunteer hours! Since 2014, Chuck has done everything from helping with the Veteran's Memorial garden, flowers at the clinic, and community garden to hand digging knapweed in the August heat around Cut Bank, providing recommendations and troubleshooting on garden issues, and providing education on integrated pest management.

Chuck is a lifelong learner who encourages those around him and always has a smile to share. His initiative and work ethic is commendable, and we are so proud of the time and work he has put into the Montana Master Gardener program, congratulations!

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