MRLA Schedules Presentation on New MDOT Regulations
ELD, HOS, and CDLs, Does this DOT Alphabet Apply To You??
Want to know the truth about the new Federal regulation on Electronic Logging Devices for commercial motor carriers and how or even if they affect you?
Attend the informational presentation that Marias River Livestock Association is hosting Tuesday, Feb. 20, at 2:30 p.m. at Ringside Ribs in Shelby. Everyone is welcome.
Brad Marten, Motor Carrier Services, Enforcement Colonel for the Montana Department of Transportation, will dispel the myths and misinformation about the regulations that went into effect Dec. 18, 2017 with a temporary waiver for Livestock Haulers that will end in March if no new legislation is passed or reprieve given. He will be covering Electronic Logging Devices (ELD), Hours or Service (HOS) and Commercial Driver License (CDL) requirements and regulations.
According to Marten, the MT DOT office has been fielding around 10 phone calls a day with questions pertaining to the new rules. He says what people will find is that not much has truly changed and that the enforcement goals are remaining pretty much the same. He states that social media has so much misinformation that it has caused a big stir. Marten is glad to come and share information covering the new rules and the old rules and help sort out your personal scenario.
“I would rather know the regulations and expectations before Merlin Frydenlund has me pulled over on the highway," rancher Maggie Nutter said. "Knowing what is expected in advance can eliminate a lot of headache.”
Brad Marten began his career with the Montana Department of Transportation in 1999 when hired on with Montana Motor Carrier Service as a weigh station officer, working many locations across the state. Marten is currently the Chief for Motor Carrier Services Enforcement Bureau. He is also the Vice Chairman of the Size and Weight Committee with both the international Commercial Vehicle Safety Alliance (CVSA) and Western Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials (WASHTO).