ANYONE can be a passenger in a car going from point A to point B. But being a respected, reliable, interesting, tough, practical, funny, and calm road tripper - that calls for a Montana girl if you want the best. There is no better kind of person to travel with on the road.

MONTANA GIRLS CAN DRIVE OR TOW ANYTHING: It's a safe bet that in a group of 4 women, more than one of them has experience driving an RV, a fifth wheel, or towing a boat. Depending on your mode of road tripping, these skills come in very handy. Camping? Hotel parking lots? Busy highways? No sweat for a Montana woman.

THERE WILL BE SNACKS: Nobody can pack a cooler with better munchies than a group of traveling women. No matter if they're store bought or homemade specialties, you're going to find ample amounts of various treats and snacks, with plenty to share. Most of us are certified masters of kwicky-mart snack and beverage shopping.

MONTANA GIRLS HAVE FRIENDS AND FAMILY EVERYWHERE, IT SEEMS: Having an extensive, state-wide network of built-in road trip destinations. Want to go whoop it up in Miles City and have dinner with your friend's mom's best friend? No problem.

Somebody has an aunt or uncle with a killer condo outside of Seattle. Somebody's little brother has season tickets to the Rockies...enough for your road tripping crew. You get the drift.

Montana women seem to have the best "networks", which give you all sorts of road trip destinations or stopovers.

Photo by Hannah Gullixson on Unsplash
Photo by Hannah Gullixson on Unsplash

MONTANA WOMEN ARE GREAT PHOTOGRAPHERS: Even if documenting every funny step of a road trip on social media isn't your thing, just about everyone I know loves to document their fun travels at least for themselves. Fun memories and funny stories are the stuff that makes life living.

Being with your best friends, seeing the country, doing new things...those pictures, videos, and mementos are life's real currency. A group of women could come home with hundreds of pictures, video evidence, etc. that everyone can share forever.


Photo by Balkan Campers on Unsplash
Photo by Balkan Campers on Unsplash

MONTANA WOMEN HAVE THE BEST SENSE OF ADVENTURE: That trait alone is perhaps the most important for a good road tripper. Stuff happens. Vehicles break down. Plans change. Traffic gets too heavy. Hotels get overbooked.

Having a group that can roll with the punches is CRUCIAL. Nobody needs the dramatic freak out friend. Montana girls are the #1 draft pick for being level-headed in a crisis.

Photo by Frances Gunn on Unsplash
Photo by Frances Gunn on Unsplash

MONTANA WOMEN ARE STREET SMART: Not a whole lot to explain here - you know how it is. Growing up in Montana gives you a special kind of "tough knowledge". Rural living, explosive growth, harsh weather, hunting and fishing, etc.

I think Montana women are just naturally tougher than the average bear, and that's another thing that makes them awesome road tripping partners. Street smarts often have nothing to do with growing up in a big city, right?

Weird Places In Montana To Visit

photo - Michelle Wolfe
photo - Michelle Wolfe

MONTANA WOMEN ARE OPEN AND HONEST: I've always appreciated the candor that Montana girls show. Friends are honest with each other - not just about normal stuff but also about what they can afford when it comes to traveling. Someone might be able to afford a suite every night at a 5 star hotel. Another good friend might have more of a camping budget.

As long as everyone is honest with each other, I've never seen better compromises made EVER than those made by groups of Montana women. We just figure stuff out, make a decision, and get stuff done.

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Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash
Photo by Joshua Sortino on Unsplash

MONTANA GIRLS PACK THE BEST STUFF: Perhaps I know weird girls...but not once has a road trip happened without crazy outfits, well thought out accessories, custom t-shirts specific to the trip, scavenger hunt ideas, cheesy magazines, extensive playlists, funny hats, surprise gifts for everyone, etc.

For some reason, Montana girls are the most talented at being prepared for a good time. Our friends are important, and we treat our time together as such.

Photo by Swansway Motor Group on Unsplash
Photo by Swansway Motor Group on Unsplash

MONTANA WOMEN HAVE DIVERSE TASTES IN MUSIC: Heck, that might be one of the most crucial characteristics of a good road trip. Have a diverse taste in music, be flexible, bring something cool to the table, and let everyone have their turn with the tunes.

Hours in the car require a fair amount of "mix tape" time, and Montana women are always prepared for the challenge. Bring your favorite stuff, and be chill when Becky tosses on the best of '80s country hits. (Ew.)

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash
Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

MONTANA WOMEN CAN BE INCREDIBLY LOW MAINTENANCE: This comes in handy when sharing tight car or RV space, and especially hotel rooms, IMO. If you end up sharing hotel rooms, you need to be incredibly self-aware to not get on others' nerves.

And vice versa. Being a low maintenance, easy going, clean roommate for a few days is easier said than done - not everyone can do it. But Montana women can. Not once has the annoying road trip member been from Montana.

Photo by Elevate on Unsplash
Photo by Elevate on Unsplash

Cities in Montana That Have a Symphony Orchestra

Montana cities are packed with true, big city talent within their symphony orchestras and programs. We even have a support organization for all of the separate symphonies across the state. Treat yourself to a performance soon - you will not be disappointed.

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

Here's The Top 10 Tourists Sites For Those Visiting Montana

Montana is known by several nicknames. Big Sky Country, The Treasure State, and the Last Best Place to name just a few. Each year, millions of folks travel to Montana to partake in its beauty, while often seeking adventure in the outdoors. From skiing to rafting, fly fishing, to snowmobiling, Montana can certainly be described as an outdoor paradise.

No matter the season, there is always something to see and do in Montana. Here's a look at The Top 10 Tourists Sites For Those Visiting Montana.

Gallery Credit: Derek Wolf

10 of the Best Campsites in North Dakota

The official start of summer may not be until June 20, but we all know that Memorial Day weekend is when North Dakotans consider it "official." Check out some of the best camping areas in the state! Did your favorite make the list?

6 Reasons to Road Trip to Yellowstone

Gallery Credit: Jen Austin - TSM Boise

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