Utterback School's holding their 7th Annual Career Day, on Friday, March 7th. Right now, they're looking for parents, guardians, community members, & businesses to contribute to the education of Conrad youth pertaining to career development by presenting to the 4th to 6th grade classes. You can even choose the sessions you'd like to attend based on times you're available. You can even do as many or as few sessions as you'd like. First, you'll need to fill out a form provided you by the student & return it to the school. Don't worry about a thing, a packet will be sent out to you after the selection process is complete. For questions & more details, please contact Mrs. Bitney, at 278 3227, or 616 2935. You can also email jennifer.bitney@conradschools.org. Hats off & thank YOU to all who've presented in the past.