Tomorrow (Sat) morning, on Puff Man Sports Trivia, I'll have a real page turner up for grabs. The book is, "Horse Capture For Glory; Horse Thievery For Profit...or, A Short History of Fleet Equines in the American West," Michael Bugenstein, has penned the underground history of horse thievery & cowboys in the Wild West, & he has a hit on his hands for sure with this ACTION PACKED riveting read! Bugenstein's a retired BNSF Railway conductor who hangs his hat in Glendive. Why not get on board, & check out the book from Sweetgrass Books, a division of Far Countrypress at, & then listen to WIN at 7:30, if you're the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question on Puff Man Sports Trivia, on KSEN, & K 96 FM.