It’s Back @ KSEN & K 96
Our Golf Spot, returns for another radio season tonight (Fri) at 5:30, on KSEN & K 96. I'm in the "golf spirit" for sure, & tomorrow (Sat) morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia, I'll have Ann Liguori's "Life on the Green," up for grabs. If Mike Whan, CEO of the United States Golf Association, tees up, "Some of the game's best share life lessons on a golf course." You'll love reading Ann's lessons & wisdom from the legends of golf. Ann's middle name must be "Sports" like mine...she's a regular icon in sports broadcasting... host, executive producer & owner of the award-winning Sports Interview cable series, an original sport's talk show host on WFAN-NY, & the Golf Channel. Be the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question, tomorrow it'll be a golf question, & WIN the book. Hit it to green, & tune in at 7:30, Saturday morning on Puff Man Sports Trivia. Check out the book from Hatherleigh Press, at www.hatherleighpress.com.
**You might even hear Ann, on some of our PGA reports from time to time.
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