Riders in the night, impromptu trials, corpses dangling from cottonwood trees, & makeshift scaffolds. Just another day in Montana's early history. Tomorrow morning Sat) on Puff Man Sports Trivia, at 7:30, I'll have the book, "Vigilante Days & Ways," up for grabs. Be the 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question, & you'll WIN, "Vigilante Days & Ways," authored by Nathaniel P. Langford, a TRUE account from the Montana Territory, & swift justice at the end of a rope. I submit, in addition to rope burns, numerous others in those days succumbed from lead poisoning also. Check out this riveting read with guns-a-blazin' from Farcountry Press, at www.farcountrypress.com, & then listen to WIN Saturday morning at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia.

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