The key term here is "illegally caught." It seems that would end any debate as to whether it should stay on the record books.

Adding to the attempt to bamboozle authorities is the purchasing of a one-day license hours after the catch, but claiming it was caught that evening. The sunlight in the photo said otherwise.

We have to believe that most Montana anglers would agree that catching a state record fish without being properly licensed not only negates the record, but subjects you to a fine, especially after trying to buy a license after that fish was caught. The Montana Outdoor Radio show tells us that Idaho authorities felt the same way.

A recent article by Shelbie Harris of the Idaho State Journal reports that the record tiger trout caught by Kody King of Montpelier, Idaho has been stricken from the record books, after it was determined that Mr. King was not a licensed angler at the time of the catch. The fish didn't just break the existing state record of 4.8 pounds, the 29-inch monster shattered it weighing in at 8.47 pounds!


The fish was caught last summer. King was congratulated publicly by the Idaho Fish and Game. But that's when things began to unravel.

He said he caught the fish at night, but the photo he shared of him holding the fish in bright sunlight was clearly much earlier in the day. Authorities believe given the time of year, the picture had to have been taken around noon.

To get the state record certification, he was required to come into an office for a signature and present his fishing license. The one-day license was not purchased until 2:00 p.m. on the day that the fish was caught.


Mr. King finally fessed up to the scam, which obviously included killing the fish, then taking it to town for a certified scale weighing, then purchasing a license after the fact.  He was ordered to pay fines and restitution in the amount of $983, had all hunting, fishing and trapping licenses suspended for one year and was ordered to make a public statement/apology. That was printed in the local Montpelier newspaper.

Whether you agree or disagree with the record being taken off the books, let us know.

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