It’s A Tough Job
I'm talking long on hours & short on pay. Next month on Sunday, May 13th, we'll celebrate Mother's Day & let mothers everywhere know how greatly appreciated they really are. Tomorrow (Saturday) morning at 7:30, on Puffman Sports Trivia, I'll be giving away the book, "A Letter to My Mom," created by Lisa Erspamer. Filled with deeply personal stories of love, loss, anger, silliness, hardship, & memories, "A Letter to My Mom" is a tribute to the women who shape us into the people we become. "I" became the "Puffman," the man, the myth, & the legend. Oh well, enough about me! The 1st caller in Saturday morning with the correct answer to my sports trivia question on tennis star Serena Williams WINS the book. Why not check out this beautiful Mother's Day presentation at: www.crownpublishing.com, & then listen to WIN at 7:30 on Puffman Sports Trivia. AND allow me to wish our Golden Triangle moms an early "Happy Mother's Day!"