That was 1 of my all time favorite TV shows years back, I loved ol' Grandpa Jones. NOW...I'm "Hee-Hawing" AND blogging about the Donkey Basketball action that's returning to Shelby next month. Tuesday night, April 18th's the date & it's over at the Shelby High School Gym. ALL team players have been training extensively for this monumental event. Team coaches are ready...physically & mentally. "Rumor" has it the teams have had professional rodeo bronc riders come in to give a few tips to players. Donkey Sports Inc. out of Washington state will be providing all the donkeys & officials. Donkey Sports officials will be strictly enforcing the rules against players abusing the donkeys in ANY way. However there are NO such rules being applied to the donkeys for abusing their riders. Participating teams include the Shelby Teachers & Shelby Firemen playing the Shelby FFA #1 & #2. Doors open at 6 on Tuesday night, April 18th & the "Donkey-Action" kicks off at 7. Adult advance ticket prices are $8 in advance, $10 at the door, student (7-12th grade) are $6 advance, $8 at the door & Children (K-6th grade) are $4 in advance & $5 at the door. The advance tickets are available NOW from any FFA member & the Shelby High School office. I've been told that every time I go on the air that I make a "Donkey" of myself but those aren't quite the words they use!