Forget Kansas City!
No offense to the late Wilbert Harrison, but tonight (Tuesday) we're going to VIRGINIA City up at the Marias Heritage Center. I'll be there at 6 this evening to read & share more Montana History. We're currently reading the book, "Montana High, Wide, and Handsome," by the late Joseph Kinsey Howard, & tonight we'll do some "armchair traveling" to early day Virginia City, Montana. Did you know that Virginia City had a "reading room" for members only where books & magazines were provided at a fee which appears to have been $5 a month, & it was very popular resort in the old days of our Treasure State? The ol' Puffman has a "reading room" too, only I call it the BATHROOM! See you tonight at 6 o'clock SHARP for more Montana History & fun at the Marias Heritage Center.