EXPLODING Onto The Movie Scene
Exploding onto the movie scene in 1935, Republic Pictures brought the pop culture of the 1930's & 40's to neighborhood movie houses. AWARD-WINNING screenwriter Chris Enss along with AWARD-WINNING producer & entertainment executive Howard Kazanjian have put together a BEAUTIFUL coffee table presentation on, in "my" opinion, one of the coolest movie studios ever. The book is, "Cowboys, Creatures, and Classics; The Story of Republic Pictures." Movie buffs & readers alike will be treated to the inside story of the "little studio" that John Wayne, the Duke himself, built. In fact, Republic Pictures was home to Mr. Wayne for some 33 films & featured the west's FIRST singing cowboy. Republic promised & delivered action, adventure, & escape. "Cowboys, Creatures, and Classics: The Story of Republic Pictures is for anyone who likes B movies magic. I submit that this spectacular presentation is the honest account of an extraordinary production house. I encourage you to check out one of the coolest, if not THE coolest book I've ever read pertaining to the film industry, from Lyons Press, An imprint of The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc. at LyonsPress.com. And, next weekend when you kick back to one of your favorite all time classic movies on the Turner Movie Channel (TMC,) check to see if it's a REPUBLIC picture!