A public meeting will be held in Heart Butte in the multi-purpose room in the Heart Butte School on Friday at 6 pm.

The Crucifixion Creek Fire continues to burn in the Badger Two Medicine Area southwest of Heart Butte. The size is estimated at 1400 acres.

The Crucifixion Creek Fire near the confluence with South Badger Creek 8-29-17 (USFS Photo)
The Crucifixion Creek Fire near the confluence with South Badger Creek 8-29-17 (USFS Photo)

Officials reported this morning that the fire has crossed South Fork Badger Creek, about a half mile downstream from the South Badger/Elbow Creek Confluence and towards the West side of Goat Mountain. This was the most active portion of the fire. It has also continued moving on Curly Bear Mountain, crossing a prominent rock slide. No structures are threatened.

A confine and contain strategy is in place. IC 4 + 3 fire personnel are at the Badger Cabin and are monitoring the fire behavior. We do expect fire behavior to pick up with the current expected weather conditions.


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