Weird News

Genius Portland Baker Invents Lobster Doughnut
Genius Portland Baker Invents Lobster Doughnut
Genius Portland Baker Invents Lobster Doughnut
When we think of doughnuts, flavors such as sugar, jelly or custard come to mind. If we were to be particularly adventurous, we might venture into the realm of sprinkles or maybe even coconut. The Holy Donut in Portland, Maine, however, has trampled over expectations in their latest item which will be on the menu from this weekend - the lobster doughnut.
Less Is More
Less Is More
Less Is More
It's one of the numerous, & I mean NUMEROUS aphorisms I came across in Jay Friedenberg's new book, "Aphorisms From A to Z: A User's Guide to Life". To cut to the chase, an aphorism is a short saying that states a general truth. Author Jay Friedenberg is a Professor of Psychology & Chair of the Psychology Department at Manhattan College. The ma...
Traffic Summons For Bike Riders
Traffic Summons For Bike Riders
Traffic Summons For Bike Riders
That's what's the NYPD is up to these days according to my friend, Pete Franklin, The Gabby Cabby. The Gab Man will be joining me long distance LIVE from New York City on the Puffman Show this afternoon (Wednesday) at 4:45. I'm not sure where Pete lives in that "Big City" with all  the tall buildings, elevators, & subways, but I CAN tell you that it's NOT on Manhattan's Upper East Si
Bank Employee Falls Asleep on Keyboard, Transfers Millions to Customer
Bank Employee Falls Asleep on Keyboard, Transfers Millions to Customer
Bank Employee Falls Asleep on Keyboard, Transfers Millions to Customer
Everyone gets sleepy during work sometimes, but as a clerk in Germany recently learned, a bank transaction probably isn't the best time for a power nap. In fact, he fell asleep on his keyboard and accidentally transferred more than $295 million dollars to a customer. How come our bank never did that for us?
Monopoly is Boring Because You’ve Been Playing It Wrong
Monopoly is Boring Because You’ve Been Playing It Wrong
Monopoly is Boring Because You’ve Been Playing It Wrong
You probably think of Monopoly as that excruciating board game you have to play with your family, unless your mom likes to make her nephews cry and it gets banned from the house (thanks, Mom!). It turns out it's not the Parker Bros.' fault that the game is so mind-numbingly dull -- it's yours. You've been playing it wrong all these years.
No charges against senator while probe continues HELENA, Mont. (AP) — The Blackfeet tribe's chief prosecutor says his office is waiting for the results of an investigation before deciding whether to charge a state senator accused of fleeing a law-enforcement officer...
Goose Doesn’t Abandon Nest in Time for Osprey
Goose Doesn’t Abandon Nest in Time for Osprey
Goose Doesn’t Abandon Nest in Time for Osprey
(Information in the following story is from: Missoulian, MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) — A pair of Canada geese that claimed squatter's rights to an osprey nest just outside a Missoula baseball stadium didn't clear out in time for the osprey to assume their traditional nesting spot...
Call Me A Cab
Call Me A Cab
Call Me A Cab
Better yet, I'll call a cabdriver! I'll be putting through a call to Peter Franklin, the Gabby Cabby, this afternoon (Thursday) on the Puffman Show. I'll try to get a hold of Pete around a quarter to 5 OUR time. That way, it will be the dinner hour on the east coast & the Gab Man will probably just be sitting down to dinner! (T...

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