National News

Cowboy Singer/Writer To Appear FREE In Conrad
Cowboy Singer/Writer To Appear FREE In Conrad
Cowboy Singer/Writer To Appear FREE In Conrad
The great cowboy singer & songwriter, Philip Page, will be performing at the Conrad Public Library, this Friday night. Performance time's at 6 SHARP, & the program's free & open to the public. Mr. Page, entertains while educating audiences about Montana's rich early history. He seeks t...
Hoist The Flag & Pass The Cakes
Hoist The Flag & Pass The Cakes
Hoist The Flag & Pass The Cakes
Thursday morning, 4th of July, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints will host a flag raising ceremony AND a FREE breakfast at the church. The flag raising's at 9, with the free pancake breakfast to follow at the church, 915 Westwood Avenue...
Go Take A Hike…In GLACIER!
Go Take A Hike…In GLACIER!
Go Take A Hike…In GLACIER!
You'll find your perfect Glacier day hike, if you're a winner tomorrow (Sat) morning at 7:30, on Puff Man Sports Trivia. The 1st caller in with the correct answer to my sports trivia question will win, "Glacier Day Hikes," your all-inclusive guide to 34 of the park's most spectacular day hikes...
How Many Football Fields In An Acre?
How Many Football Fields In An Acre?
How Many Football Fields In An Acre?
That could be a good trivia question this afternoon (Thurs) over at the Shelby Senior Center. Their trivia starts at 1, & it's always fun on Trivia Day, at the senior center. By the way, there ae 1.32 football fields in an acre. I may be the Blog Man, but my middle name's still "Sports!"...

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